Source: bare.js

// Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
// IBM Watson Analytics
// (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015
// US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
// disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

 * The BareJS module is the entry point for accessing BareJS's classes and polyfills.
 * @module barejs

// Start by loading "Built-in object" polyfills, and apply them to barejs
Object.assign( exports, require( "./polyfill" ),
/** @lends module:barejs */
    // Load BareJS code
    decl        : require( "./decl" ),
    Destroyable : require( "./Destroyable" ),
    EventArgs   : require( "./EventArgs" ),
    Evented     : require( "./Evented" ),
    Exception   : require( "./Exception" ),

     * The BareJS module contains an AMD loader plugin to reference specific parts of BareJS directly.
     * For example, this allows to require "{@link module:barejs.decl barejs!decl}", "{@link module:barejs.Promise barejs!Promise}",
     * "{@link module:barejs.NMap barejs!NMap}" or "{@link module:barejs.Map barejs!Map}"
    load: function( _name, _req, _load )
        "use strict";
        if ( !( _name in exports ) )
            throw new Error( "invalid path: " + _name );
        _load( exports[_name] );

     * While we want to provide the plugin shortcut to objects, we don't want to build this into a layer.
    write: function()
        "use strict";
        // Don't write anything
} );