Source: polyfill/Date.js

// Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
// IBM Watson Analytics
// (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015
// US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
// disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

( function( Date, ObjectPolyfill )
"use strict";

 * Polyfills for {@link Date}.
 * @class module:barejs/polyfill.Date

/** @lends module:barejs/polyfill.Date */
var stat = {};
/** @lends module:barejs/polyfill.Date# */
var proto = {};

/*istanbul ignore else: We test with __ES__ set to 3*/
if ( __ES__ < 5 )
     * The method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
     * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds.
     */ = function now()
        return new Date().getTime();

    ( function()
         * Ensure the number is _length characters wide.
         * @param {number} _value The number to pad.
         * @param {number} _length The length to pad to. Note: values > 4 are not supported
         * @returns {string} The number, optionally padded with leading zeros
        function padZero( _value, _length )
            var nr = String( _value );
            if ( nr.length < _length )
                nr = "0000".substr( 0, _length - nr.length ) + nr;
            return nr;

         * The toISOString() method returns a string in simplified extended ISO format (ISO 8601), which
         * is always 24 characters long: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. The timezone is always zero UTC
         * offset, as denoted by the suffix "Z".
         * @returns {string} The date formatted as (zero UTC) ISO 8601.
        proto.toISOString = function toISOString()
            // jshint validthis:true
            return    padZero( this.getUTCFullYear(),   4 ) +
                "-" + padZero( this.getUTCMonth() + 1,  2 ) +
                "-" + padZero( this.getUTCDate(),       2 ) +
                "T" + padZero( this.getUTCHours(),      2 ) +
                ":" + padZero( this.getUTCMinutes(),    2 ) +
                ":" + padZero( this.getUTCSeconds(),    2 ) +
                "." + ( this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000 ).toFixed( 3 ).slice( 2, 5 ) +
    }() );
// End of ES5 polyfill scope

ObjectPolyfill.polyfill( Date, stat, proto, exports, "Date" );

// End of module
}( Date, require( "./Object" ) ) );